Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 16th-going out to eat!

I am again writing this the day after because I went out to dinner last night and got home too late to blog. I knew that I was going to go out to dinner, so I was able to plan my day with that in mind. That is good. Dinner took place at The Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant. So delicious, but I think you have to just decide that it is a celebration and enjoy it. I mean, melted cheese and melted chocolate were calling my name! As I have said before though, this is a journey and a lifestyle change and there will always be celebrations and outings. I think it is all about enjoying them when they occur and then just getting back to the plan at the next possible moment.

Here is my diet for the day:

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean cereal, skim milk

Lunch: Chicken tenderloins, yogurt, diet coke, fiber plus bar

Snack: Chai latte, pretzels

Dinner: Melting Pot cheese fondue, meat/bouillon fondue, chocolate fondue. Red wine.

Total Calories: 930 before dinner, UNKNOWN after dinner. This is on purpose. I did not want to get caught up in the calories. What a quick way to not enjoy a meal. I was content after I ate, not stuffed and for me, that was a good thing.

Oh, the big weigh in also happened this morning. I am exactly the same as last week-no loss, no gain. I am actually okay with it. I really think that my body is getting used to my new diet and exercise plan and I know that I made good choices through the week. We will see how next week goes.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

1 comment:

  1. great job Lauren! I know places like that can be killer! I totally agree that it is a lifestyle change and you have to find ways to fit the good things in. For me, I have chosen to have a cup of tea every time I want to snack. That way I can still enjoy the good food at meals.
