Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 27th-state of Lauren address

I did not get to blogging last night because I was listening to our president give us the state of the union. I had to listen to it on the computer because Nancy Pelosi's eyes freak me out. I really think she has a screw loose, regardless of her political decisions.

So, in honor of Obama, I give you my State of Lauren Address:

Good evening everyone! I hope that you are as excited as I am to be on this journey. What was gained over time will not be lost overnight and we need to accept that. By making small changes everyday, we will reap big changes overtime. I need to make sure I focus on all areas of my well-being. This includes not only my physical health, but my emotional, mental and financial health. That is why this journey will not focus on one area of my well-being, but on how to make the whole system work better. I know that even if I fix one part, that the other parts will bring the fixed part back down. This journey will be taken in small steps. I began with my weight and health-focusing on eating better and exercising and making them both part of my routine. Next, I will focus on my mental health. This may take months, but I am willing to take it on. I have realized that having my house not the way I want it, not having the family time I need and not having the "me" time I need affect my mental health. So, that will be the next area. I think that by improving each area, I will reap benefits across the board. This will not be an easy journey, but I am sure that at the end I will say it was worth it. Good night and God Bless!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Will post the food journal in the next day's journal. This "speech" deserved its own entry!


  1. The best State of the Lauren Address ever. Love, love, love it!

  2. Amy, thanks for your support. Said like a true politician with good eye contact and a virtual hand shake. Love ya.
