Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17th-refocused this week

So, I admit it. Last month pretty much sucked as far as my journey goes. Some of it was not my fault-lots of sick people in my house, but some of it was. So, this week I recommitted to the journey full force. I set a new goal for myself to make 17 of my 21 meals in a week healthy and satisfying. I need to talk about the satisfaction part of it. Sometimes, I will eat the most healthy meal out there, but it does nothing to satisfy me. I am still looking for something to eat at the end of it, not because I am hungry, but because the meal had no joy in it. I really thought about that this week as I made my choices. Granted, that meant that I spent 20 minutes one day looking around for something to eat. Ended up with a Subway sandwich. Not too exciting, but it was satisfying because I parked my car, rolled down the windows and took time to eat, not just inhale. I know that my choices have to have protein in them, so I am always looking for those choices-not easy when you are sick and tired of the Grilled Chicken sandwich.

But, the plan worked. I am 16 meals in now-it is Saturday morning. I made good choices all week, slept better and weighed in at a loss! Yeah for me.

I have also recommitted to exercise. Did not get in as much as I wanted to, but got it in when I could. I have a love/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels-her workouts are TOUGH, but man, do you feel good when it is over! I know that I am working out what I need to with her. I need to get back to my running this week.

So, do you want to join me? Think about what you want your goal to be. Let me know how I can support you. Let's all be satisfied!

Bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat, because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

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