Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 22nd-tired muscles, but feeling strong.

So, it is Saturday night. It was supposed to be an at home date night, but my hubby is worn out and so I am on my own. I think the first day of real heat made us both a little tired tonight. But, I feel good overall. I managed to do Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones" last night after work and going for a 5K run this morning. My muscles are tired, but not that sore. I am pretty proud of myself. I wanted to work out 4 days this week and I have done it! I am hoping to get something in tomorrow too, but we will see how the day plays out. My sister had her baby this morning and my parents left for Richmond, VA to see her today. That leaves me and my brother in charge of their dog, Maggie. I will have to get her to the kennel in the afternoon, which may be the only time I have to work out. Not an excuse, just need to figure out the logistics.

I did not get to the blog yesterday. It was a LONG day. I had a one hour drive home and did not get home until after 6. I was not prepared to get home so late, so I ended up eating on the run, which was not the plan.

Here is the diet:
Breakfast: Turkey bacon, egg and cheese sandwich
Lunch: Delicious smoothie made by one of my families (blueberries, strawberries, flax seed, protein powder, soy milk and ice).
Dinner: Grilled Chicken Sandwich, a few fries.

Breakfast: Egg McMuffin sandwich. Took the kids to McD's to give Clay a break this morning.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich, strawberries, pretzel sticks
Snack: Oatmeal Choc Chip cookie-a real treat!
Dinner: Barilla rotini with tomato sauce.

So far, so good. I continue this journey. Weigh in on Monday morning to see how the first week of the renewed journey has gone. Bring on 2010, the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20th-power of the journal

Well, I can safely say that without a doubt, this journaling thing works. I have been pretty good about what I have been eating, but just having to write it down has helped me avoid a few bites that I would have taken in the past. And, I have to journal publicly. Just being able to write it in a notebook that only I see will not work for me. So, I think as long as I have to journal, I will have to blog. Even if no one is reading it!

I am really sore today from hanging with Jillian on Tuesday night. I can't sneeze or laugh without my abs hurting and I could not get on and off the floor with my kids without my hamstrings screaming. I guess that is the sign of a good workout. :) I have managed to walk the past few days to stretch out, but will need to get back to the official workouts tomorrow. The new goal is to workout at least 4 days a week. 2 down this week.

Here is the journal for yesterday and today:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt, berries, slice of lemon bread
Lunch: Mediterranean Salad, hummus, pita
Dinner: Filet. We made veggies, I just was not interested.
Dessert: Banana

Breakfast: Greek yogurt, chai
Lunch: Turkey sandwich, Fiber One bar
Snack: Apple chips
Dinner: 2 Tacos with lean ground beef, tomato, sprinkling of cheese, lettuce, taco sauce. Spanish rice and a few beans.
Dessert: Dark Chocolate Almond Cluster.

Things I avoided: My kid's leftover grilled cheese, a frappucino, more slices of bread from Great Harvest and a DQ Blizzard. Yep, I went to DQ for my hubby and did not get anything. WOW for me!

So, the journey continues. I really thank all of you that even look at this and can understand my struggles. Bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19th-refocused and back on track

So, I won't say that the train derailed, but I will say that I lost my focus just a little. I have not gained any weight back, but also just have stayed stagnant for a month. So, a month after my last post, I am back and re-energized and ready to go. Well, really, I was ready to go on Monday and it has just taken a few days to get back to the blog. I decided on Monday that it was time to really focus on me again. I had some of my grad school friends in this past weekend and we spent Saturday night cleaning my closet. Seriously! I offered to go out to a bar, but they wanted to play "What Not to Wear" and drink wine. So, we did. And my closet looks amazing. I think I have 3 bags of clothes for Goodwill and two bags of shoes to donate to the shoeman to help buy water filtration systems for Haiti.

As I walk in my closet, I see all of these really cute clothes that would look so much better on me if I got to my goal. This serves as great motivation. So, Monday morning came and I decided it was time to start writing it all down again and getting the exercise in that I need to to feel good about myself.

So, here we go:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt, blackberries
Lunch: 1/2 Fuji Apple Chicken Salad, cup of veggie soup from Panera
Dinner: 3 chicken tenderloins with Rogan Josh sauce, 1/2 cup brown rice
Dessert: 1 dark chocolate almond cluster

Breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios
Snack: Chai
Lunch: Turkey sandwich, Fiber One bar
Dinner: Pork Chop, carrots

I went running on Monday and took 4 painful seconds off my 5K. It was not easy to run-maybe all of the wine over the weekend was the problem? :) Last night, I did Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones". That workout DVD is a killer, but I can safely say that my trouble zones are all sore today, so it did what it said it would do.

I am feeling good and healthy this Wednesday morning. I am committing to getting back to the blog. So, for those of you that are still out there, bring on 2010, the year of trimming the fat (my closet is done!) because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK FAT IN!

Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19th-what a weekend.

So, you know that my new goal is to eat 17 of my weekly meals with good choices that are healthy and satisfying. Well, I ate meal #16 as breakfast on Saturday and then had my freebie meals as Saturday lunch, dinner and Sunday breakfast and lunch. It was my hubby's birthday and we went away for the weekend and I just decided to enjoy myself and not worry about the intake. Whew! Way too much food and wine later that Sunday afternoon and I decided that a smoothie was in order for Sunday night. That was meal #17-satisfying and healthy.

Sooooo, I did it! I probably should not have made all of my not so great meals as meals that occurred in a row, but I did it! Week 1 of 12 done! I have not stepped on the scale yet since we got back-figure I need to let my body detox a day or two before I do that. :)

Now, it is the end of Day 2 of week 2. 3 more healthy meals down. I even survived the grocery store when I was hungry and did not buy any crap. That took a bit of effort because I was really ready to eat. Luckily, I had my 2 year old with me, which does not lend itself to lingering.

I am planning on waking up a little early tomorrow to work out. I think that is the only way I will get it in. I did manage a short walk today, but the day just gets away from me. I think I will also take some new pics this week. I am down a little over 10 pounds-25% of my goal. Feels like I should mark this step on the journey. Don't worry, I will post all of the pics when I am done and at my goal. Not quite ready to do that yet!

Alright, off to get some water, finish up some paperwork and call it a night. Bring it on 2010. I am going to finish this journey. I am going to trim the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17th-refocused this week

So, I admit it. Last month pretty much sucked as far as my journey goes. Some of it was not my fault-lots of sick people in my house, but some of it was. So, this week I recommitted to the journey full force. I set a new goal for myself to make 17 of my 21 meals in a week healthy and satisfying. I need to talk about the satisfaction part of it. Sometimes, I will eat the most healthy meal out there, but it does nothing to satisfy me. I am still looking for something to eat at the end of it, not because I am hungry, but because the meal had no joy in it. I really thought about that this week as I made my choices. Granted, that meant that I spent 20 minutes one day looking around for something to eat. Ended up with a Subway sandwich. Not too exciting, but it was satisfying because I parked my car, rolled down the windows and took time to eat, not just inhale. I know that my choices have to have protein in them, so I am always looking for those choices-not easy when you are sick and tired of the Grilled Chicken sandwich.

But, the plan worked. I am 16 meals in now-it is Saturday morning. I made good choices all week, slept better and weighed in at a loss! Yeah for me.

I have also recommitted to exercise. Did not get in as much as I wanted to, but got it in when I could. I have a love/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels-her workouts are TOUGH, but man, do you feel good when it is over! I know that I am working out what I need to with her. I need to get back to my running this week.

So, do you want to join me? Think about what you want your goal to be. Let me know how I can support you. Let's all be satisfied!

Bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat, because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3rd-Easter Eve

I promised a review of the goals and here it is:

Goals for March:

1. Cardio exercise at least 20 days of the month. NOPE. Too many sick people in my house.
2. Finish up Jillian's 30 day Shred. NOPE. See #1.
3. Journal consistently and keep track of calories. NOPE. I did keep track, but did not journal as much as I should have.
4. Continue with the closet clean out. Purge, purge, purge. MAKING PROGRESS!
5. Pick out a color to paint the playroom. NOPE. See #1.
6. Decrease work stress by doing less work at night. GETTING THERE.
7. 2 dates with hubby (atleast!) ONE DATE DONE. THEN SEE #1.
8. Continue to work on making time with my kids just be about time with my kids and not the "to do" list in my house. ONGOING.

I really did not do well, but I just can not dwell on it. Tomorrow is Easter. It is the anniversary of when my husband proposed to me. He told me it was the day of new life and new beginnings and seemed like the perfect day for us to declare our life together. I loved that! I think I will take Easter as the day of new life in the journey also-time to renew the focus, renew the goals, remember why I am doing this and get back on track.

I have really struggled with the actual weight loss, even though my body is changing slowly. I would really like to see the numbers change just a little though-I think it would help with the momentum. Might have to shake things up a little bit.

I am decreasing my frequency of posting, but I can not decrease my journaling. I think that was part of my failure in March. Back to it...

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30th-I'm baaaaaccccckkkk!

Oh, what a month this has been! I have been working so hard to get my work life caught up so that I can focus more on me when I should be. I am not where I want to be with the work stuff, but so much further ahead than I was a few weeks ago. I have also had to deal with everyone else in my family being sick for about two weeks-making the need for my mommy hat and wife hat to be on even more than usual. As a result, I did not meet my goal of exercising like I wanted to, but I did stay on track with my diet. I am only down one more pound, but my clothes are definitely fitting better.

So, my accomplishments for the month so far:
1. I can wear a belt I could not wear in January.

2. I ran, yes, ran an entire 5K. Well, most people may not call it running, but I did it nonetheless.

3. I have really cut down on my sugar and fake sugar intake. This is a big deal for me.

4. I am drinking more water.

Here is my journal for the day:
Breakfast: Bowl of cereal shared with Luke. Not really sure of the portion.

Lunch: Ak-Mak crackers, hummus, laughing cow cheese, strawberries, yogurt, 2 point WW bar

Snack: Almonds

Dinner: 2 pieces homemade pizza with Weight Watchers cheese.

Dessert: Mint Choc Truffle. Gift from the hubby. Can not resist.

So, tomorrow, I will review the goals that I set at the beginning of the month. I am fairly confident I failed miserably, but I have to just move on. There will be new goals for April. And, it will go better!

So, keep bringing on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13th-the power of music

So, I am sitting on my computer on a Saturday night doing some work and listening to Radio Margaritaville. Ah, this music just puts me in a good place. But, I also just had an "a-ha" moment. This music takes me to the beach, my favorite place to be. Well, when you are at the beach, what do you have on? A bathingsuit! So, this music helps me stay focused on how I want to look in my suit. I have a mental picture of myself actually feeling comfortable in just a bathingsuit. No shorts on over it, no wrap around me, just the suit. WOW-that would be amazing and definitely a feeling I have never had. Even as a swimmer in high school, I never felt good in my suit. So, I guess what I need to do when I am home and struggling to make a good choice, I need to listen to some Buffett to keep me on track. Thanks Jimmy!

I do listen to music when I workout also and I will say that it is powerful there too. I listen to music I would never listen to any other time. Well, that is not entirely true. It is the same music that we play for the dance party at our annual New Years party. You know, pure dance-techno music that keeps you moving. And, when I am on the treadmill, keeps me distracted from the fact that I am running. And it works! I took 58 seconds off my 5K time today! I ran almost the whole thing. I am really excited about my progress on the treadmill.

I also feel like just maybe my body is starting to change. I have not really lost any more weight, but my jeans are maybe just a little looser and my back fat is definitely not as noticeable. These are good changes!

Journal for the day:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with unsweetened apple sauce, cheese stick
Lunch: Yogurt, crackers with almond butter, 1 point WW bar, fruit roll from Clif
Snack: Z-Bar from Clif
Dinner: Filet, small portion of pasta with sauce. Tried to make some mixed veggies, but they were not any good.

We definitely need a shopping trip around here. I struggled at lunch time and it was only because I was not prepared at home. Lesson learned.

So, bring on 2010, the year of motivating music because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK FAT IN!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10th-spring has sprung!

It was beautiful out here today. In the 70's, just a few clouds in the sky, Buffett playing on my stereo-not bad for a work day! I came home and the kids were outside playing and just having a ball. We had dinner (grilled chicken and veggies) and then I sat with my hubby and watched the kids play by themselves again outside while I enjoyed a glass of wine. Not a bad way to end the day. The warm weather just does something to me. It makes me want to make healthier choices and move more. I am ready for daylight savings time so that I can get some longer days in and be able to walk after dinner.

I have had two good days of eating. I actually got a Grilled Chicken sandwich value meal from McD's yesterday and had just a few fries. Those few fries made me feel so sick-just a reminder that my body does not want CRAP in it. A good reminder.

Today I started out the day with yogurt, berries and a little granola. So delicious and satisfying. The problem was that I was hungry by 10:30, so I needed to stop and get a protein bar. I need to plan a little better if I am going to eat several small meals during the day. Lunch was with a friend that is also on a journey to lose some weight, so we both made good choices. It is so important to surround yourself with others that if not on the journey with you, atleast support you and understand why you are doing what you are doing.

I have managed to Shred with Jillian the past two days also-she is so tough! But, I have also gotten a few compliments on how my body is looking, so even though the scale is not changing very much, maybe, just maybe, this crazy shred workout is actually doing something. Certainly kicks my butt, and arms, and legs, and on an on for the 20 minutes I am doing it!

We are definitely going to the beach this summer, so I have yet another motivation to work on this fat-dum, dum, dum...the BATHINGSUIT! Definitely still have a lot of work to do before I feel good in one of those.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8th-slacker

Man, I have really been slacking on the blog lately. But, it is not because I have been a slacker all around. I am really trying to get caught up on this data entry stuff I have to do for work and have had to prioritize my time. So, I have been keeping my journal-just not on here and I have been moving my body-but not as much as I should have been. I really need to get back on track, but I have only 24 hours in a day and something had to give. So, on that note, I may not be as consistent this month with blogging, but that does not mean that I am abandoning ship. I am still on this journey and still working to achieve some goals. As far as my March goals go, I am doing well.

Here is the journal for today:
Breakfast: Granola and yogurt
Lunch: Ak-Mak crackers, Almond butter, apple, Quaker Fiber Bar.
Dinner: Chicken and dumplings. Heavy on the veggies.
Dessert: Yogurt Parfait, 1 point WW bar.

I took a few walks today with my boys when I got home. Luke and I took about a 45 minute walk with me pushing him in his little car and then Cameron and I took a night walk for about 15 minutes and looked at the constellations. I love, love, love time with them one on one. It is so fun to see their personalities when they are not competing with each other for my attention.

So, I say to you 2010, keep bringing it on because I have a beach vacation coming up and you definitely can NOT tuck the fat into a bathingsuit! That is GOOD motivation!

Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5th-the sweet stuff

So, I am going to really try to eliminate sugar in its white form from my diet. This will NOT be easy for me and I don't expect to be successful all of the time, but I am going to try. I also am going to try and decrease my intake of Splenda. They (you know, the committee known as they) say that even the artificial sweeteners make you crave sweets. I think the effect of decreasing sugar will in turn increase my intake of what I should be eating and that will be the real bonus.

Today I had lunch at Whole Foods. LOVE that place. I just feel healthier walking in there. Anyway, I tried these apple chips from Bare Naked. The whole bag-6 servings-was 174 calories. And, you know what, I ate the entire bag over the course of the afternoon. No guilt. So delicious and really crunchy. Made with apples and cinnamon. That is it. Felt like I was indulging in a big bag of chips without the guilt or fat. I will definitely be buying them again. And, I visited their website-"" and they have a ton of fruit that is made WITHOUT ADDED SUGAR! Hello-that is what I am talking about. I love dried fruit, so I am hoping that their other products are just as good. OK, enough of the advertising.

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Scone and tea.
Lunch: Brown Rice Sushi, apple chips, almond butter and Ak-Mak crackers. DELISH!
Snack: Popcorn
Dinner: Shrimp with Chili Sauce, veggies. Blueberry bar.
Dessert: Couple bites of my mom's chocolate mousse. So good and very little sugar. Makes up for the scone I had for breakfast.

So, any of you trying to decrease your sugar intake? Decrease your intake of high GI foods? I am so excited for summer and lots of fresh produce. It has been sunny here for two days and it is so refreshing to actually get outside! Luke and I went for an hour walk to look for pinecones today. How cute is that?

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4th-a tale of 2 days.

I apologize for not blogging yesterday. I am really trying to get caught up on some work stuff and be productive with my time. Easier said than done with the lure of Facebook, my blog, American Idol, etc. So, I decided that I did not have any brilliant insights yesterday and it would be okay to just wait a day. I have had a good week this week. By getting caught up on my paperwork, I am definitely decreasing the stress level, which, in turn, should help with the weight loss journey. It is not even that I eat when I am stressed-although old Lauren would have-but I think that our bodies just do not run as efficiently when we are stressed, tired, etc. I know that you all understand that. Think back to your college days if you don't remember that feeling of sluggishness. :)

Journal for yesterday:
Breakfast: Granola, skim milk
Lunch: Yogurt, protein bar, hummus, crackers, dried apples. This was eaten over the course of a few hours between clients.
Dinner: 2 slices WW pizza with Weight Watchers cheese and turkey pepperoni.
Dessert: Diet hot chocolate.

Here is the journal for today:
Breakfast: Egg, turkey bacon and cheese sandwich on nine grain bread.
Lunch: Protein bar, yogurt covered raisins. Seriously, I was still full from breakfast.
Dinner: Filet, some shells and veggies.

I went to a jewelry party tonight and managed to not have any wine or snacks. And, these are my girls that I usually drink with, so that was not easy for me to turn down. I just really asked myself if I was hungry-no-and how I would feel if I did have the calories from the wine just because I was in that social setting. Nope, not worth it. A little Diet Coke was just fine. I also did not buy any jewelry because we are really trying to stay on track with our budget and it was just not in the budget for the month. And, you know how those parties are-you almost feel like by walking through the door, you should just hand over your debit card. I just could not do it with a clear conscience tonight. Small sacrifices will pay off in the future I hope! I did see a necklace that let me know the colors I want my house though-all these beachy blues, greens and yellows. I seriously live in the wrong state-10 hours from the nearest beach.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2nd-holy hamstrings batman!

WOW! I am really surprised that my legs are even holding me up after today. I made it to the gym and ran my 5K and then had to come home and do my Shred with Jillian, also known as Satan...I seriously could barely walk up the stairs to my bedroom to shower. My hamstrings are throbbing. But, I am really proud of myself. It was not easy to get through both things and I did it. I really felt great at the gym running-I think Jillian is making a difference, although I curse her for 20 minutes everyday and Day 2 of Level 2 of the Shred was atleast manageable. I have to admit though that it is a good feeling to be a little sore because of hard work and to be able to sit down at the end of the day and watch The Biggest Loser with absolutely no guilt!

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Yogurt, blueberries, banana
Snack: yogurt covered raisins
Lunch: brown rice sushi, ak-mak crackers, hummus, apple chips
Dinner: Pork Chop, rotini with broccoli and a light cheese sauce
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

Total Calories: 1300ish. I did not measure the yogurt raisins, so I am taking an educated guess. That is before counting in the exercise, so I think that I am good for the day. I feel satisfied.

Alright, must continue working on one of my other goals-get caught up on paperwork so that I do not have to do work at night.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1st-one size does NOT fit all

Today it really hit me that one size does not fit all. I was talking to my friend Chelsea as I walked into Kroger to pick up a few things. I was telling her that I was being tortured as I walked down the Easter candy aisle by all of the chocolate deliciousness that was surrounding me. She told me that candy is not really a temptation for her. WHAT? Seriously? But, then I realized that there are probably things that are not a temptation for me that are for her. For example, donuts. I could take them or leave them. Pretty easy for me to say no too. If someone told me that I could never have another potato chip as long as I lived, I would miss them, but it would not be the end of the world. Now Fritos are another story...

The point is that because there is no one thing that is the almighty temptation for everyone out there, there can NOT, and I repeat, CANNOT be one diet that works for everyone. If there was, that food would just go away as people did not buy it. If there was, there would not be so many diets to choose from. It is why programs like Weight Watchers work-because you get to pick your foods and have what works for you. That is not to say that a program like Nutrisystem doesn't work-some people need to have their meals prepackaged and measured and that works for them. Not for me. Some people do well with appetite suppressants. Make you not hungry. That would not work for me. If it is lunch time and I should eat, I probably will have something, hungry or not. That is just how I roll.

I think that the ONLY way to succeed is to find what works for you. For me, it is definitely this system-journaling, blogging for accountability and exercising. But, that may not work for you. I think, as in all things, you have to be true to yourself to find success. What will work for you is not necessarily what will work for your buddy that you agreed to go on a diet with-the true question is whether you can both modify your plan to succeed and still support each other. I think that the overall themes are the same; we just get through the struggles a little differently.

Here is my journal:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, piece of WW toast
Lunch: Blueberries, yogurt, fiber bar
Snack: Weight Watchers bar, yogurt
Dinner: Taco salad with mixed greens, lean ground beef and taco sauce.
Snack: Yogurt covered raisins, string cheese.

Total Calories: 1297ish.

I also had tennis tonight and the coach ran us like crazy and I did Day 1 of Level 2 of Jillian's 30 day Shred. I am pooped!

But, I am excited that March 1st was a good day. I am excited to see what the month will bring. I am doing well so far on the goals for the month.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feb.28th-month 2 done!

I am so sorry that I have been MIA for a few days. I have just not been feeling that great and literally have just been surviving. Last night, I got to go out on a date with my hubby and just did not want to blog when we got home. So, here I am. WOW-February is done! I am two months into this journey and still feel pretty good about the whole thing. I do admit that I have fallen off the wagon a little over the past few days with not eating great and not exercising, but tomorrow is a new day and a new month. That means it is time to set some goals. Hmmm....

Goals for March:

1. Cardio exercise at least 20 days of the month.
2. Finish up Jillian's 30 day Shred.
3. Journal consistently and keep track of calories.
4. Continue with the closet clean out. Purge, purge, purge.
5. Pick out a color to paint the playroom.
6. Decrease work stress by doing less work at night.
7. 2 dates with hubby (atleast!)
8. Continue to work on making time with my kids just be about time with my kids and not the "to do" list in my house.

Yes. That seems like a good list. I will weigh in tomorrow to get a starting weight for the month and get going. Let's hope it is a healthy month and that the weather finally gets warmer. I am so tired of being cold and not seeing the sun!

What are your goals for the month? How can I help you? Lord knows I need you all to support me-the least I can do is return the favor.

So, bring on 2010 for all of us-the year of trimming the fat in all areas because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK FAT IN!

That seems like a good list

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb.25th-feeling blah

I am not feeling so great tonight, so this will be short. I am going to try and get to bed at a decent hour and maybe a good night of sleep will help! I am supposed to work and get my hair cut tomorrow, so I just can not get sick.

Breakfast: Egg sandwich
Lunch: bowl of tomato basil soup, 2 pieces of WW bread
Dinner: Pretzel sticks, sloppy joe, some dark choc covered raisins.

I did well until dinner, but I also started not feeling so great mid-afternoon. I literally just ate to know that I put something in my system. Nothing sounded good.

I am also skipping the Shred tonight. I don't think a low grade fever and Jillian go well together. Boo!

Back on track tomorrow hopefully...

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Nope, not halfway to my goals, not halfway through the Shred, not halfway through the month. I am officially 38 1/2 today. That makes it exciting to know that I still have 6 months until my next birthday. What a gift I am giving myself for my birthday this year. I should be at my goal weight by then. I should be a consistent exerciser, maybe even have a race under my belt. I will feel totally in control and that is probably the best gift of all!

Today was a good day. I got some paperwork done during the day, which lightens the load for tonight. I ate well and stayed on track. I finished my 30 day Shred workout and even upped the weights on some of the exercises. I got all of my fruits and veggies in. Probably did not drink enough water, but I never do. Too cold for water. Must have hot tea instead.

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Dannon Greek yogurt, banana.
Lunch: Grilled Chicken Sandwich from McD's with lite mayo, Kellogg's blueberry crisp bar.
Snack: Fiber Plus bar, carrots.
Dinner: Filet and a big salad.
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

See, that looks pretty good, doesn't it? Pretty good balance of the right stuff. And, I feel good. I will not take my health for granted. I have two people in my life that are battling cancer right now-I am so grateful for this healthy body.

Coming up on the end of the month. I think I will take some new pictures at the beginning of March to see how my body has changed. Need to reflect on how well I am balancing life-still LOTS of room for improvement. Definitely not halfway to that goal!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb. 23rd-double shred

Well, I did it. I did not get my 30 day Shred done last night because of the reasons posted on yesterday's blog, so I made myself pay for it tonight. I did Jillian's 30 day shred twice in a row so that I am still on track. It actually went fairly well. I was pooped at the end of it, but feel good now. It will make doing it only once seem fairly easy tomorrow!

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Dannon Greek Yogurt, banana
Lunch: Bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup, WW roll and piece of pumpkin choc chip bread at Great Harvest. Delicious!
Dinner: 3 small pieces of homemade pizza, yoplait yogurt
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

I have no idea about the calories, but I think I did okay. I was starving when I got home and probably overate a little at dinner. I had a meeting that went over and did not bring a snack to tide me over. Once again, the lack of planning comes back to bite me!

Short post today because not much to report. The journey continues!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Feb. 22-overwhelmed!

I had way too busy of a day. That would be why I am writing this on Tuesday morning instead of on Monday. I worked all day, had tennis tonight and then had to get my billing in for work. Left no room for anything else. I am behind on blogging, sleep, and shredding with Jillian.

So, what is the remedy? Better scheduling would be a good start. I am really working hard to modify my schedule so that I am not doing work at night. Hard to do as a self-employed person. I am going to do Jillian's 30 day shred 2 times today to remind myself why I do not want to miss a day. Oh, and I am going to try and get to bed a little earlier tonight. I don't do that well on 6 hours of sleep-wish I did.

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Fiber Plus bar, banana
Lunch: Spinach wrap with hummus, muenster cheese and veggies. Crisp bar from Special K.
Dinner: Pork tenderloin, potatoes.
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

I was proud of myself. My wrap came with a choice of chips, pretzels or Sun Chips. I actually asked if I could sub fruit and they said yes! So, I got an apple instead. I ended up not eating it yesterday, but I would have definitely eaten the pretzels if they had been there.

Overall, a good day, just a little too busy. Must find balance. That is one of the main reasons for this journey.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb 21st-baby steps

Man, you never know where the inspiration is going to come from. I was listening to the radio the other day and was tuned into Dave Ramsey. For those of you who do not know him, he is a financial guy who gives common sense advice. He is great to listen to and Clay and I try and follow his principles. But, what got me is he said to a listener, "Stop. You are trying to drink water out of a fire hydrant."

Whoa! In that case, he meant that this listener was trying to do something with money in the wrong way. I heard it apply to me and my plan. Sometimes, I think we try and achieve our goals by thinking we have to radically change everything. Well, that does not work. Life gets in the way. If you start a diet and say to yourself, okay, no more candy, no more chips, no more alcohol, it is me and salads and water from here on out-you are doomed to fail. You are choosing the wrong path to success, just like trying to get a drink out of a fire hydrant. Instead, we need to take the path that moves a little slower, but is also much more manageable. I think that is why I have been more successful this time. I have managed to accept that there are celebrations, there are slipups, there are parties and by just enjoying those moments and then, and here is the key, getting right back on track, I really do not feel like I am sacrificing too much. I have my fun and enjoy myself and then turn around and get right back to eating the way I should and getting to the gym. No drinks from fire hydrants around here, only from the tap. :)

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: PB sandwich on WW bread, chai
Lunch: Turkey Sandwich on WW with Laughing Cow cheese and mustard, a few Sun Chips, applesauce.
Snack: Dried Peaches, Dark Chocolate covered raisins.
Dinner: Chicken Stir Fry with broccoli, carrots and beans over brown rice.

Overall, a pretty good day. I did my 30 day shred. I do not feel great tonight, but I think maybe the stir fry had MSG in it and that is making me feel off. Amazing how in tune you get with your body as you start to really take care of it.

And it was about 60 degrees and sunny today-nothing wrong about that! The kids got to play outside and we all got some fresh air. Made me excited for spring and longer days to take some walks and runs outside.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feb 20th-the secret to my success

Well, crap, I figured it out. Do you know how you can lose weight and keep it off? Do you want to know how to have more energy and feel better about yourself? Do you want to know how to feel stronger and increase your endurance? I have learned the secret and I want to share it. Are you ready? Drumroll please....

Eat right and exercise. Yep, that is it. That is what I really focused on this week and you know what? It paid off! I lost another 1.6 pounds this week. Thank goodness because I worked my tail off with my running and that 30 day Shred video. I would have been bummed if I did not lose. But, now I know for sure that the only way to take off weight safely and keep it off-diet and exercise. I wish there was a magic pill, but there is not!

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: 2 pieces WW toast with PB, tea.
Lunch: Protein bar and chai. I was working and had to eat on the run.
Dinner: Chicken Biryani, naan and some red wine. Delicious!

Definitely not enough fruits and veggies today. But, I did manage to fit in my 30 day Shred video after working all afternoon and before hanging with a friend,so that is good. I need a big glass of water before I go to bed to counteract the red wine. Highly recommend Menage A Trois if you are looking for an inexpensive bottle of red, by the way.

Since what I am doing is obviously working, I plan on continuing it. I have big plans for the week ahead for exercise and will plan on packing my lunch to help stay on track. That seemed to be a failing point this past week. I love feeling in control and knowing that I am succeeding. Yeah for me!

So, bring on 2010, the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I am done, tired, exhausted, so ready for the weekend. Man, I did not sleep well last night, worked like a crazy therapist today and came home knowing I had to do my 30 day Shred workout. Not excited about it, but I survived. I do have to admit that as hard as it was to do, it was made easier by my 6 year old doing it with me and giving new names to the exercises. For example, he called the upright row "playing the drums" because you reach your arms out like you are beating on a drum. There is a visual for those of you that are doing this with me!

I am so glad I can just relax now. My muscles actually feel a little better after doing it-think I got the lactic acid moving. That workout is a killer-I am waiting to cross the threshold to where I feel like I maybe can think about moving up a level. For now, that is a far off dream! :)

Here is my journal:
Breakfast: Latte and a scone
Lunch: Protein bar, apple.
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Swordfish with sweet chili sauce, mixed veggies.

I was starving when I got home because my lunch was so wimpy. I was at a little bit of a disadvantage today. It is Lent and I do not eat meat on Fridays and did not pack my lunch. I had NO time for lunch today, so I just ran into a convenience store and grabbed a protein bar. Did not quite cut it. Must plan better next week.

I am excited to see my weight in the morning. I have really upped the exercise this week and am anxious to see how that pays off on the scale.

Good things are happening all around me because I am making good choices. I am excited to see what lies ahead...

So, on that note, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb. 18th-I know I can!

So, do you ever read "The Little Engine that Could" to your kids? You know the part where the little train says "I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can" or something like that? That is how I felt today at the gym tonight and back at home doing Jillian's 30 day shred. I really had to push myself through it, but guess what? I DID IT! I survived both my 5K and my 20 minutes of torture from Jillian. I will admit that I am really sore and can't believe I need to do that 30 day shred again tomorrow, but I will face that when I get there.

I think I did a little better on my 5K. I write that I think I did because I accidentally hit the emergency stop button about 31 minutes in to my workout and the treadmill stopped and erased my data. Big bummer! So, I was about 2.5 miles in, so I started it up again and ran another .6 to get my 5K done, but I am not sure of the time. I feel like I ran more of it, so my time should have been a little better. Oh, well-I will see how I do on Saturday. For now, I will be happy that I got there and did it. Then I came home and went downstairs and did my 30 day shred workout. It actually felt a little better tonight, mainly because I feel like I knew what was coming. I was still really tired by the end of it. My body is pooped!

Here is the food journal:
Breakfast: Banana, Fiber Plus bar.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich from Jimmy John's, Skinny Chips
Snack: Venti Chai Latte
Dinner: Taco meat with tomatoes and red peppers. Skipped the taco shell.
Post workout: Lite yogurt.

Supposed to have protein after you workout I think, so I skipped the hot chocolate for yogurt tonight. Drank some water today, but probably not enough. Did well on the fruits and veggies. Pretty good overall. Not sure of the calories only because I have not logged it in yet, but I should be good for the day, esp. because of the workout.

So, to Apolo, I can only give an "almost yes" today. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, so I need to do better tomorrow. I hope that I can get going with a resounding "I know I can" tomorrow. Because, you know what, I KNOW I CAN!

So, bring on 2010, the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17th-YEAH BABY!

I did it! I have had a super awesome, focused day. I have had a day where the stars are aligned, my focus has been good and I have stayed on track. I can honestly say that all of the choices that I have made today have worked towards making me a better person-strong and healthy. Yeah for me!

So to you Apolo Anton Ohno, I say yes. Yes, I did it. Yes to the question you ask yourself everyday. I can't say that it will always be a yes, but I can say that today I got it right on the money. I made choices to win and not to fail. I resisted all temptation. I was productive and focused.

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Fiber Plus bar, banana, tea
Lunch: Tabouleh, Hummus, Pita
Dinner: Shrimp with brown rice and broccoli
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.
Snacks: Tootsie Roll pop, string cheese stick

Total Calories: 1121 according to my fitness pal, but I am guessing on my lunch portions, so I think I am closer to 1200-1250 for the day.

I also started my 30 day shred with Jillian today. Oh boy, that was NOT easy. It is only 20 minutes long, but you work during that time. I used 5 pound weights for my arms and I think I will be sore tomorrow. I was able to complete it, but had to make a few modifications. Definitely will be sticking with Level 1 for a while.

So, let's see...Fruits and Veggies-check, Water-check, stayed within calories-check, exercised-check, worked to earn an income-check and most importantly, spent time with my family-check! Yep, good day. Going for a repeat tomorrow.

So, bring it on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK FAT IN!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feb. 16th-it is an almost yes!

I had a great day. The snow was cleared off the roads, I got to work and I ate fairly well. But, the icing on the cake was getting to the gym tonight. Yeah for me! It is freezing out, but I was determined to get there and I did it. I ran a 5K in 38:28, which is a good time for me. Slow for a lot of you true runners out there, but I am making progress. The good news is that running felt really good tonight for the first time. I am not saying it was not hard, because it was, but I felt in my element and that my body was working for me. And, I did my ab workout after I ran, so I had a great workout. Yes!

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, orange.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich, pretzels, Quaker Fiber Bar
Snack: Grande chai, carrots
Dinner: 2 slices homemade whole wheat pizza with Weight Watchers cheese and turkey pepperoni. A few teddy grahams.
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

Damn Teddy Grahams! Man, those things are good! Must avoid the box at all costs. Tomorrow is the start of Lent and I have a LIST of things that I can give up that are a true sacrifice-I will have to decide what will be the best choice. Might have to be those little chocolate bears of decadent goodness-just kidding.

So, as far as the title of my blog tonight, I answer Apollo's question with an "almost yes". I did everything right, but had just a few slip ups on the diet-the midday pretzels and the elusive Teddy Grahams. Easy fix though and I burned off the calories at the gym. Yep, good day.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Feb. 15th-more snow.

OK, I am officially over the snow. It is so pretty out and if I had an unlimited inheritance to live off of, then it would be great. But, I need to get back to work and be able to get out of my house! My tennis lesson was cancelled today due to the weather and I did not get to the gym because of the snow, so it was a day at home. We did have some friends over, which was great and a nice break up for the day. I am really looking forward to seeing the grass again and I think that we are in for another snow storm this weekend. Crazy weather!

So, as a result of being home all day, I had to face my pantry all day long. This is always a struggle for me-boredom has often caused me to reach for food. Today, I was very conscious of it though and really asked myself everytime I walked into the kitchen FOR NO APPARENT REASON if I was truly hungry. Do any of you struggle with this issue? I call it the Teddy Graham factor and I think it represents a true variable in people that have a happy weight and those of us that do not.

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Oatmeal. Some yogurt covered raisins.
Lunch: Cup of chili, little bit of sour cream.
Snack: Pretzel sticks.
Dinner: Chicken with potatoes and carrots.
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate

Not bad for a day with a pantry calling my name. Tomorrow, schools are closed, so I am not sure how the work day is going to go, but I am going to try and make it out. I am going to pack my lunch to continue to stay in control.

As far as Apollo's question goes, I have to give it a "no" again today. I did well with my diet, but the exercise did not happen.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb 14th-Valentine's Love

Happy Valentine's Day! Boy, this day started out interesting. I got out of bed this morning and my house was COLD. Turns out that our heat stopped working overnight and our house was 59 degrees this morning. BRRRR. Church truly was a refuge today. I took the boys and Clay stayed home to wait for the HVAC people to call. I had a text after church saying that the heat was back on, so atleast we got to come home, but we have no idea what the problem is and now we are waiting to see if it kicks off again. UGH.

Sooooo, as a result of the crazy morning, I had to throw down some breakfast and rush to get ready. Not the most enjoyable way to start the day. I did get a great card from my hubby for Valentine's reminding me that he loves me no matter what and my 6 year old told me as I was getting ready that I was "pretty good looking", so that was very reassuring. Nice to know that this journey is not about making those that I care the most about love me any more than they already do-they truly love me for me. That is a great gift.

ALright, enough sap. OVerall, a good day. We are getting snow again tonight and I needed to get to the grocery anyway, but it was a madhouse. I seriously felt like I was playing Frogger with my cart. But, we are stocked for the week and the menu is planned. This is a good thing.

Here is the diet:
Breakfast: 1 slice WW bread with PB.
Lunch: 1 slice pizza, 1/2 banana, few pretzel Goldfish.
Dinner: Bowl of homemade chili with lean ground beef, little bit of sour cream, a few Ritz crackers.
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

So, I will take my "pretty good lookin'" status with my 6 year old and call it a day. I will watch the Olympics and ask myself the question. Today gets a "no", but I am confident for the week, snow and all!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Feb.13th-we all struggle

I knew the Olympics would provide good inspiration, but I did not think it would make me realize how we all have to push through and make choices. I was watching the men's short track and there was an interview with Apollo Anton Ohno. The interviewer was asking him about what he did to prepare for the games and what he did to lose 20 pounds and be in the best shape of his life. He said something to the effect of "At the end of every day, I ask myself if I did everything that I possibly could to ensure success.". He then said that it is very hard to consistently say "yes" day in and day out. Wow! Really? So, even when it is your job to eat well and work out, you still struggle-well, no wonder it is so hard for me!

I have decided that I am going to ask myself the same question at the end of the day and see how many days I can emphatically say "yes". I do have to say that today is a big "no", but I made a choice to splurge a little bit. But, before we get to that, let's backtrack...

Weigh in first thing in the morning and...drumroll please...down another 1.4 pounds! Yeah! That makes a total of 7.2 pounds since January 1st. I am thrilled. I am not shooting for huge losses week in and week out, but just a steady change for the better and it is happening.

I knew that tonight Clay was going to see a basketball game with a good friend and I would be home with the boys. I told my oldest that we could splurge and get pizza. Atleast I knew that was dinner, so I could plan around it, but I also knew that it would push me over on my calories. That is okay-life is full of special celebrations. No problem as long as it is not everyday!

Here is the diet:
Breakfast: 2 pieces WW toast with PB
Lunch: 6 inch flatbread sandwich from Subway, baked Ruffles.
Dinner: 2 pieces pizza-cheese, green peppers, tomatoes. 1 breadstick. Piece of chocolate pastry thing from Papa John's-no good. Don't order it!
Dessert: Glass of red wine. Highly recommend "Menage a Trois".

I had such a nice dinner with my boys. We laughed and talked about our day. I am so glad that I get to enjoy these moments-pizza and all! Note to self-never get so caught up in your goals that you forget to enjoy the little stuff. It is truly what matters.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb 12th-gravity

Well, today I realized the power of fat. You ask-what do you mean, the power of fat? Well, if you have fat enough thighs, they make a great "hill" for your clients to practice rolling down. For those of you that don't know what I do, I work with babies 0-3 years old. Today, I was working with a one year old and we are trying to get him to roll. Well, wouldn't you know it-I placed him across my thighs, he reached for a toy and away he went-full roll accomplished! OK,so this is not a reason to keep fat around, but it was nice to find a positive use for it, don't you think? :)

Today was a good day. I was focused, made good choices to help provide nutrition and keep me full and feel confident about my weigh in in the morning. I thought about the Olympics a lot today-if those athletes that represent our country can make that journey, then I should be able to make mine. This is a year for not only setting goals, but for achieving them. I feel empowered knowing that I am on my way with my goals and that I know that I can succeed.

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Banana, Fiber One bar, Latte (needed some serious caffeine!)
Lunch: Black Bean chili, biscuit
Dinner: Filet.
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

I should have fit in some veggies with dinner, but I was still full from lunch and really did not feel like making them. Don't worry-my kids ate a more balanced meal than me!

So, as my weekend starts, so do the Olympics. I think everytime a craving hits, I am going to make sure that I turn on the TV and see what the power is in setting goals and achieving them. This is a good plan for the next two weeks. After that, I will have to look for a different source of inspiration. Will it be you?

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb. 11th-my body failed me

Today was a good day overall, but I had really planned on getting to the gym tonight and it did not happen. Why you ask? Because I just did not feel great after dinner. Such a bummer. Now that I am feeling better, it is 9:30 and too late to get up there. Really, I will get this workout thing going consistently. I am looking forward to when the days are longer, the weather is warmer and I can just go take a walk to fit in exercise. Right now, I would have to ice skate to make it on the sidewalks in my neighborhood!

I talked to two people today who are reading my blog. How cool is that? I hope that you all find it somewhat entertaining or at the very least, realize that you are not out there struggling on your own. I hope that my battles are ones that you too have faced and conquered. Please comment and let me know what you are doing that is working. I am obviously in need of the tools for success!

Here is the journal for the day:
Breakfast: Fiber One bar, banana, tea.
Lunch: Pita with grilled chicken and sauteed peppers, a few fries.
Snack: Tall chai. Gave in, but I did get the small size and Luke drank half of it!
Dinner: Pork chop, mixed veggies, little bit of stuffing.
Dessert: Diet hot chocolate.

I really wanted a salad today, but it is so cold out and sometimes the cold lettuce hurts my teeth-just could not do it. Once again, this will be much easier as the weather warms up.

I am going to get back on the scale this weekend. I have taken a little break from it because I felt like I was getting a little obsessed with the number and not just how I was feeling or how my clothes were fitting. It will be interesting to see what it has to say. I will let you all know-good or bad. Part of the journey is putting it out there, right? I figure if the people on The Biggest Loser can weigh themselves in public, I can at least give you a virtual update!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Man, was I craving a Chai latte this morning! It was the power of this blog, of those of you that read this thing and the fact that I knew I had to journal it was what helped me say NO! I definitely would have given in otherwise-it was bitterly cold out today and it just sounded like the perfect antidote. I won't say that the hot tea I got was a great substitute, but it warmed me up and got me through the moment for zero calories. Good choice.

I also had to go to Target today for some stuff. Note to self: don't go to ANY store that sells food when you are hungry! I had to talk myself out of different snacks the whole time, reminding myself that my homemade white chili would be ready as soon as I got home. I did it, but really expended some mental energy getting through it. Not good planning, but a good choice at the end.

Got home from work and was really hungry. I knew how many calories I had left and knew I did not want to blow it. Made the choice to have a serving of pretzel sticks-get 48 of those little salty sticks in one serving-so it takes a while to get through them. By the time I was done, dinner was ready! Yeah for me. Good choice made.

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: 2 pieces ww bread with pb.
Lunch: Banana, yogurt, strawberry fruit bar, fiber one bar
Dinner: Cup of white chicken chili
Snack: Pretzel Sticks
Dessert: Diet hot chocolate

Overall, a good day. Got my fruits and veggies, got my water in and made smart choices. I needed to do a better job with the protein intake, so as always, there are things to work on.

The journey continues. Thanks for the help today!

So, bring on 2010, the year of making smarter choices to help trim the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb. 9th-support or sabotage

I have been so blessed in my life to have amazing friends. I have friends that I still keep in touch with from elementary school, high school, college, grad school and this phase called grownuphood! One of those good, good friends is Christine. Christine and I know each other from our college days and many summers spent in Montauk. We also both went to grad school in St. Louis. She currently lives in London and we do not talk or see each other often enough. However, she is one of those friends that when you do get together, it does not matter how much time has gone by, you just start where you left off and the laughter begins. Sign of true friendship.
Well, today I got a package from Christine. See, Christine and I exchange packages once a year. I send her candy corns every Halloween because she can not get them in England and she LOVES them and she always sends something in return. Well, this year she sent me a CD of running music and lotion for my hands and feet for after my runs. That is support! She has sent chocolate and crackers in the past, but this year, she sent something that supports my goals. Thanks my friend!

Her gift made me think of how environment is so important for success. I have to ensure that I am setting myself up for support and not sabotage. Support-going to lunch at a place with fresh foods. Sabotage-going out for Mexican with those damn baskets of free chips. Support-putting it out there that I am going to go to the gym so that my hubby helps me follow through. Sabotage-not telling anyone just in case I want to change my mind. Support-journaling on this blog. Sabotage-keeping a journal in my purse. Hell, I could write anything in there. No one would ever know! Support-hearing from those of you that read this blog that you are reading and that I am supporting you. WOW. Sabotage-deciding this blog was not worth the effort.

So, I thank all of you for supporting me and helping me to not sabotage my efforts. I hope that I can do the same for you. Matt, Addie and Julie-you know I am rooting you on already!

Here is the journal:
Breakfast: Kashi GoLean cereal, skim milk
Lunch: Soup, Ritz crackers, Fiber One bar
Dinner: 2 pieces homemade pizza with turkey pepperoni
Dessert: Spoonful of chocolate mousse. Diet hot chocolate.

So, tomorrow, I will load the CD onto my mp3 player and will get to the gym with 101 new songs to run to. I will continue to enlist those of you that support me. I will continue to put it out there that I am struggling and need support. I will continue to work to decrease the sabotages that are part of my world. This will be a year of success, not sabotage.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb 8th-busy day AND night

This will be a quick post. Worked all day and then had tennis tonight. My regular instructor got hit today with a racket and was not at practice, so we had a new instructor and half the class did not show up. So, I actually got a pretty good workout out of it! So much fun. Tonight is billing night for my job, which always sneaks up on me, so I am out of time. I did want to get my journal in for the day though.

Breakfast: WW toast with egg. Banana
Lunch: Chicken noodle soup, 1/2 turkey sandwich, 1/2 piece lemon bread.
Dinner: Cinnamon apples, homemade chicken pot pie (ate very little crust).

Not a bad day, but always room for improvement. I am so glad I found time for me today, even with the craziness that is my life. I recommend it to all of you!

Be back tomorrow.

Bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb 6th and 7th-where did the weekend go???

I can't believe it is Sunday night at 10:15. Seriously, where did the weekend go? It was Friday and now bedtime on Sunday-just like that. I had a great weekend, although my focus on my journey was a little lacking. I do think that sometimes you need to break it up a little bit and that is what this weekend was. It is deciding that 1)you are going to stray a little bit and 2)knowing that you are going to get right back on track that matters. And, that is where I am. Tomorrow morning, the focus starts right back up again.

So, how did the weekend go astray? Well, let's night Saturday and Superbowl party on Sunday. Yep, yep, that will do it! Even though my eating the rest of the time was not bad, those two events were enough to know that I was over on my calories for the weekend. I will weigh in in the morning to see how much I did myself in and then focus on the detox to get myself back on track.

Here is the diet:
Sat. breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Lean Cuisine sandwich
Dinner: Grilled Grouper, rice, black beans, plantains and 2 mojitos. DELICIOUS and worth every calorie.

Sun. Breakfast: WW bread with PB
Lunch: Yogurt, some Goldfish. Trying to save up for party.
Dinner: Chili with a little sour cream and cheddar cheese, cornbread, 3 crackers with spinach artichoke dip, some chips, mom's famous chocolate mousse. Still to die for!

So, let's see-not enough fruits or veggies, not enough water, too much crap. Yep, I see some detoxing happening this week.

It is supposed to snow tomorrow, so I am hoping that my tennis lesson is still on. I am really enjoying it and even am starting to break a sweat, so this is good.

It will be a good week. I will speak it into existence. :)

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Feb. 5th-rain, rain go away!

What a gloomy day it was today. Literally, the sky looked exactly the same all day long. Gray, gloomy and pouring rain. Even though I got sleep last night, I was still tired. It is supposed to turn to snow tonight. We will see.

I talked to a few friends today who are having some health struggles right now and it just made me realize how grateful I should be to have this healthy body that supports me, regardless of my occasional poor choices. All of my health numbers-blood pressure, cholesterol, pulse-are well within healthy ranges. The weight number is the only one that is off. But, not for long...:)

I had a fairly good eating day today, but I still don't have my appetite where it should be. I have not been very hungry at night, so I am not eating a big dinner at all. I am then waking up starving. I need to work on a more even consumption during the day. Maybe focus on really breaking up the calories into even spurts, more or less, during the day. I would think that would also help with keeping my metabolism on track too. I think that will be my goal for this upcoming week.

Here is the diet for the day:
Breakfast: Egg sandwich, tea.
Lunch: Chicken Schwarma sandwich, hummus, water.
Dinner: Small portion of a filet. Green pepper, orange.

Not bad, but not great either. Need to continue to fine tune this plan.

So, Operation Clean Closet will start tomorrow also. I am going to actually start with my dresser. I have these neat little organizer things from IKEA that you put into your drawers, so I am going to get all of my unmentionables organized. One drawer at a time...

So, bring on 2010, the year of trimming the fat and the never worn unmentionables because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feb 3rd and 4th-my ideal life!

It has been one of those weeks. Way too much on the to do list and not enough time. I am exhausted tonight, but knew that I couldn't leave my readers hanging another night...sorry to double up!

I was losing my steam a little for this journey. Not really sure why, but maybe just because I have not gotten enough sleep and just was losing my focus. Then, on the way home from work, I got to listen to the radio. There was a woman on named Stacey Vicari. She is a life coach. Her website is I have seen Stacey speak and she is powerful, but what she talked about tonight was looking at what you can change in your life and deciding right now that you are going to change those things. Hello! Lightbulb! Aha!

So, I am back on track. Not that I ever fell off, I had just lost some steam. I WILL change the things that I can change and now that I think about it, most things in my life that I do not like are changeable! How great is that?

Here is the diet for the past two days:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich, tea.
Lunch: Indian food buffet.
Dinner: Yogurt, cheese stick. Pretty full from lunch.

Breakfast: Fiber 1 bar, banana, tea
Lunch: Falafel sandwich, tea.
Snack: Almonds
Dinner: Grande Chai, few bites of soup. Just not hungry.

OK, so my diet has not been the greatest the past two days. Like I have said, I have not gotten enough sleep. Not enough sleep messes with my appetite and I am sure my hormones-both things are not good for this journey, so I need to get back on track. I will be in bed by 10 tonight.

Please keep up the commenting and cheerleading. I need it and I will support you back. Let's reach our goals together.

So, bring on renewed energy and focus in 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feb.2nd-Groundhog Day!

Alright people, who is with me? Who out there wants to see a SMALLER shadow of themselves next year? Me, me, me! Picture Donkey from Shrek jumping up and down shouting "pick me, pick me". That is how I feel about this weight loss journey. It is a journey and I know that the changes that I am making I want to last a lifetime. So, the goals have to be set that way. I need to not worry so much about how the jeans fit day by day, how the muffin tops look morning by morning, but by how I have changed month by month and that will translate into year by year. So, all joking aside, I am looking forward to seeing how the shadow changes.

Here is the food journal:

Breakfast: Banana, yogurt and Fiber One bar.

Lunch: 8 brown rice veggie sushi rolls, dried apples, Luna bar.

Dinner: Shrimp and Scallops with broccoli in a sweet chili sauce over brown rice.

Dessert: 3 bites of chocolate mousse. Still to die for. SOOOOOO good.

Day 2 of working out was also a success. I made it to the gym and onto a treadmill for my 5K. Not quite where I was 2 weeks ago, but that is what I get for slacking off. And, the girl next to me running at 7.4 mph was pretty motivating. She made it look so easy to just run like that-I wanna be like that.

It is supposed to be rainy and snowy this weekend, so it will be perfect for cleaning out the first closet. I think I will recruit a friend or two to help me sort-bribing them with a bottle of wine, of course!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1st-new month, new goals

Well, the workout thing was easy to fit in today. Mondays are tennis nights-can't say that I sweat a lot, but it is nice to get out on the court, bash the ball around a little bit and use some muscles that I am sure I would not have used at home! My pronator will be sore tomorrow for example...

I have decided that for February I am going to also work on trimming the fat in the closets. WHO IS WITH ME???? I am going to tackle a closet each weekend and really work on packing up the boys clothes that don't fit, donating my stuff and getting rid of the crap that is just sitting in them. How great will that feel to open any closet in my house at the end of the month and see organization? Ah, I am already feeling more peaceful knowing that it is in the plans.

Today was a good eating day. I have figured out that having some fruit as part of breakfast really helps towards getting in the 5 servings. It is hard to do otherwise! I did eat a very late lunch, which was not a good plan because I was REALLY hungry, but I did try and focus on my choices. Dinner was at home, planned out by Clay and I over the weekend and so I knew what it would be all day long. Man, this planning thing REALLY has its advantages...:)

Here is the diet:
Breakfast: One piece WW toast, PB and a banana. Tea.

Lunch: Turkey sandwich on high fiber bread, pretzels.

Dinner: Green pepper to munch on while cooking, white chicken chili.

Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

I actually think I did get in all 5 servings today-banana, dressed sandwich, green pepper, and corn and beans in the chili. WOOHOO for me.

I will have to really focus this week in order to get to the gym and fit in my workouts. For those of you that work full time and have kids at home, when and how do you do it? The idea of the 5 am workout in freezing weather is not appealing at all, but I will take all other suggestions! Maybe in the summer...

So, bring on 2010-the year of clean closets to make room for my new skinny clothes-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

January 31st-the month in review

WOW! I made it. One whole month on this journey. I must say that I am pretty proud of myself. I did not get to blog last night because it was my mother's birthday and we just got home late and I got settled into the Grammys and Desperate Housewives. I know that you understand.

So, my dad called on Saturday and told me the menu so that I could plan. I knew that there would be LOTS of yummy food and that I needed to make wise choices the rest of the day to help compensate for the festivities. This was a day I could have used some Weight Watchers Zero Point Soup-I will need to look up that recipe. Regardless, I did eat very lightly and enjoyed myself at my parents. I went over there hungry, but not starving and did not dig into a bag of chips as soon as I got there. I did have 2 though!

Here is the diet:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with fresh blueberries

Lunch: Cottage Cheese, Apple Parfait thingy from Del Monte, Fiber One Bar

Dinner: Small serving of homemade Fettucine Alfredo, corn soup and to die for chocolate mousse for dessert. Seriously delicious!

Not bad, right? I did have broccoli on my plate, but my 2 year old snagged it and who am I to turn down a toddler that wants to eat broccoli?

As the month comes to an end, here are my celebrations:

Weight Loss: 5.6 pounds for the month. This is after weighing in after the birthday party.

Journaled EVERY day this month.

Figured out some of my triggers and really made wise choices.

The jeans are going on a little easier! Even just out of the dryer-I know some of you out there understand! :)

Things I need to work on are consistent workouts. I did great with this in the beginning of the month and then got sick and then just had no excuse, but still did not do what I needed to. I also need to make sure that I am packing my lunch more consistently. Grilled Chicken sandwiches get old quickly and I truly believe that the body does not like to eat the same thing day in and day out. Packing my lunch will offer some variety!

So, for February I feel like my eating overall is well under control, the workout consistency must become a routine and I need to figure out another area to work on trimming the fat!

So, bring on FEBRUARY 2010-the month and year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30th-snowed in by choice

So, we got a snow storm overnight. I was really hoping for a good 8 inches-that would be enough to warrant not leaving my house in KY. We got 3-4 inches and the roads were passable by midday. But, I decided that I really needed a day at home and so I declared myself "snowed in". I don't regret it one bit!

This morning was an official weigh in morning. I was exactly the same as last week. Strange pattern going on, lose a decent amount, maintain, repeat. I do think that I had a little too much salt in my dinner last night and that contributed, because my weight was down a little later in the day, but it was the morning one that counts. I am finding myself struggling a little more now that I am a month into this gig. I was craving a DQ Blizzard today-I did not get one, but it was the first time that I really had a craving. I think part of it is due to not getting the exercise that I wanted to this week. I do believe that it goes hand in hand. When you can see on the treadmill how long it takes to burn 350 calories, you are FAR less likely to reach for those treats that will add 500+ calories to your intake. Not to say that they don't have their place. Treats do, but they do have to be part of a plan. I am still working on the plan part of this journey.

HEre is the diet for the day:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with Craisins and dried blueberries

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Philly Steak, Yoplait Lemon Torte.

Snack: CLIF Z-bar.

Dinner: Homemade meatloaf made with Laura's Lean Ground beef, mashed potatoes. All made by me and pretty darn good.

Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate. 50 calories instead of a Blizzard at 580 calories for a SMALL! I think I made the right decision.

It is so amazing to me that I was surprised that I was gaining weight now that I am really paying attention to foods and their calories. Stuff adds up quickly!

Tomorrow is the last day of the month. With that, I will reflect on how the month overall has gone, what will change in February and what new area I will be trimming the fat in. I hope that you all can join me!

So, bring on 2010, the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

January 29th-time management

I definitely need to make better use of the 24 hours I have in a day. I am so jealous of those people that always seem so caught up on their to-do list and so together in every other aspect. I would love to feel that way-it is definitely the reason for this journey.

My to-do list is unbelievably long. I think I could spend a whole day on paperwork and maybe, just maybe be caught up. The house always needs work and there is my marriage and my kids to give time to. So, if you are one of those people who have it all together, please tell me how!

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: Egg sandwich

Lunch: LATE lunch consisted of a chai and piece of reduced fat coffee cake.

Dinner: Chicken with kung Pao sauce, green beans. Delish!

I really needed to eat more fruit today, but the idea of a cold piece of fruit just hurt my teeth. It was so cold here today, I needed warm foods. Summertime will be a much easier time to get the fruits in, I think.

I was reminded yesterday that I am a bulk eater, so I need to work to continue to find those foods that I can eat A LOT of and not have a big caloric hit. If only I had a microwave in my car for my mid afternoon popcorn break...

This should be a good weekend. My mother's birthday is tomorrow and we are going over to my parents, but I have already asked my dad for the menu so that I can plan my day accordingly. I have NEVER done that before. Very empowering.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28th-life gets in the way....

Ah, the best laid plans. I really wanted to get to the gym tonight, but again, it did not happen. I need to be better at time management to make all of this work. I got home at 5, Cameron had basketball practice so I was home with Luke, Clay and Cameron home at 6:30, dinner for all, baths and bed for the boys, Clay to grocery store, catch up with hubby on day's events and all of a sudden it is 9:00. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN??? We are supposed to get snow tomorrow, so I think that the best route for me is to plan on getting back to the gym on Saturday or Sunday and starting over with this 5K challenge.

So, the diet for the past few days has been interesting. I have found myself struggling a little more to make good choices. I think that I still have not found the combo of carbs, protein and fats that work for my body to keep me full and also meet my nutritional needs. I really felt lightheaded today after lunch, but realized that I did not have much in the way of carbs, so maybe that was it? I tried some dinner mints and felt better. All in my head-maybe, but whatever works.

Here is the food intake:

Jan. 27th
Breakfast: Cottage Cheese and peaches.
Lunch: Falafel Sandwich, pita and hummus
Dinner:Homemade chicken and veggie soup, a few Club crackers.
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.
Total Calories:1098 according to the website, but I don't believe it. I think the Falafel was more, so I think I am good for the day.

Jan. 28th:
Breakfast: Kashi cereal, skim milk
Lunch: McD's Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Snack: After dinner mints.
Dinner: Chili, Club Crackers
Dessert: Yogurt, diet hot chocolate
Total Calories: Around 1500? I am guessing because of the mints.

Man, I am keeping Swiss Miss in business or what? :)

I think that as I am on this journey and do a better job keeping my work day to work hours, the working out will come easier. Right now, I am still juggling.

So, bring on 2010, the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

January 27th-state of Lauren address

I did not get to blogging last night because I was listening to our president give us the state of the union. I had to listen to it on the computer because Nancy Pelosi's eyes freak me out. I really think she has a screw loose, regardless of her political decisions.

So, in honor of Obama, I give you my State of Lauren Address:

Good evening everyone! I hope that you are as excited as I am to be on this journey. What was gained over time will not be lost overnight and we need to accept that. By making small changes everyday, we will reap big changes overtime. I need to make sure I focus on all areas of my well-being. This includes not only my physical health, but my emotional, mental and financial health. That is why this journey will not focus on one area of my well-being, but on how to make the whole system work better. I know that even if I fix one part, that the other parts will bring the fixed part back down. This journey will be taken in small steps. I began with my weight and health-focusing on eating better and exercising and making them both part of my routine. Next, I will focus on my mental health. This may take months, but I am willing to take it on. I have realized that having my house not the way I want it, not having the family time I need and not having the "me" time I need affect my mental health. So, that will be the next area. I think that by improving each area, I will reap benefits across the board. This will not be an easy journey, but I am sure that at the end I will say it was worth it. Good night and God Bless!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Will post the food journal in the next day's journal. This "speech" deserved its own entry!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 26th-overdone

So, today was a day of making some mistakes. First of all, I think in my mind, I thought that since I was under calories yesterday, I could splurge a little today. I don't think that that is how it works. Everyday should be a new start, don't you think? I guess the scale will tell me in the morning, but I would say that this journey has taught me another lesson!

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: 2 sliced WW bread, PB.

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Southwest Panini, pretzel sticks, mini peppermint patty

Snack: Chai Latte. Ah, so good, but put me over the top for the day!

Dinner: Dinner out at Friday's. Had 1/2 Club and cup of tomato basil soup.

Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

OK, so let's see-not enough fruits or veggies, splurge on the Chai and no workout. Need a do-over. Since that is not a possibility, I will take the lessons to heart and make better choices tomorrow.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined THAT YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

January 25th-tennis anyone?

Monday nights are the night I have my tennis lesson. This Monday also happened to be billing night, so I did not get to my blog. I did still track my food though. I forgot to pack my lunch today, but managed to eat well on the road, which is a good thing. It is so EASY to munch mindlessly when you are driving.

Here is the intake for Monday:
Breakfast: 1 slice ww bread, PB

Lunch: Chick Fil A grilled chicken sandwich, fruit salad. I did not put the honey BBQ sauce on my sandwich today-60 calories for that packet. NOT worth it. I added regular mustard instead.

Dinner: Homemade Chili, TLC crackers

Dessert: Diet hot chocolate, pretzel sticks, mini peppermint patty

Total Calories: 1040.

I was under for my calories for the day, but I also was not hungry. I decided one day would not throw my metabolism that much, so I let it slide. The problem came today with that thinking. Have to read my next entry...

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24th-attack of the pantry

I find it very hard to be at home. I tend to just wander into the kitchen and look around to see what I can eat. Not because I am hungry, but just because I am there. I have to work really hard to not eat then. This is probably one of those things that some of you can relate to and some of you are thinking what a wimp she is. So, I suppose you would say that I need to reach for healthy options when I wander in. The problem is that none of that stuff even sounds good at that moment in time. The best strategy for me is to wander right back out and find something to do.

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: Go Lean Kashi bar.

Lunch: Tomato soup, salad, TLC crackers.

Snack: Pretzel Sticks, Hot Chocolate. Not at the same time...

Dinner: Crock Pot Chicken and Potatoes. We tried a new recipe. Won't be repeating it, but at least now we know.

Dessert: Hot Chocolate.

I have to give kudos to myself today though. Cameron came down from his rest time today and said his throat hurt. I offered to go get him a milkshake and Clay decided he wanted one too. I actually managed to walk into the ice cream store-have I ever told you how much I LOVE ice cream?-get the boys their treats and leave. All without even having a taster spoon!

I am ready to go this week. My cold is finally gone, I have the menu planned for the week and feel very much in control. Let's hope it all works out as I have it planned in my head, or at least is manageable when it changes!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23rd-lessons learned

So, I have this friend. Her name is Melissa. She is one of those "skinny" people that we all love to hate. But, of course, she is super nice and a great friend, so I can't hate her. Well, anyway, one of the things she does is keep a glass by the sink to drink water out of. As I have stated before, I am NOT good about drinking water. So, I thought I would try her trick. I mean, it is working for her, so why not? :) Well, wouldn't you know it-it worked. I definitely drank more water today just because that bottle was sitting there everytime I came up to the sink. So, I guess I owe Melissa a big thank you. Lesson learned.

Today was weigh in day. I was feeling fairly confident because I have been so diligent this week. I got out of bed, got out of my PJ's and jumped on the scale. WOW! 2.2 pounds GONE. See ya, hasta la vista, ciao, bye! Never want to see you again. That weight loss also put me out of the "obese" category with my BMI. I am officially overweight now! Never thought I would be happy about that, but I am thrilled. The truth of the matter is that journaling what I write and knowing that I have to put it out here everyday is what is making the difference. It is not just in a notebook somewhere for me to keep track of. I need accountability from as many sources as I can get it. Lesson learned.

Did not get to the gym again today, but at least I took a walk with the boys. It was in the 50's here, so even though I have this silly cold, I thought I would regret it if I did not get out of the house. What a great walk. Things are different when you take a walk with a 2 year old and a 6 year old. We discovered sticks for the fire, pine cones, mud puddles and just had to slow down to let the 2 year old keep up. Sometimes it takes slowing down to realize how fast you have been going. Lesson learned.

Here is the diet for the day:
Breakfast: Yogurt with granola

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Philly Steak, pretzels, yogurt parfait

Snack: Microwave popcorn, Raisinets

Dinner: Homemade Pizza.

Definitely did not get my fruits and veggies in today, so I will need to bulk up tomorrow. We stocked up at the store today, so we are prepared for the week. Dinner menu is planned and fruits and veggies are plenty. Clay is totally supportive of my efforts. Once again, by putting it out there that I am on this journey, I have found the support that I need to succeed. Lesson learned.

3 weeks down. They (whoever they are) say it takes 3 weeks to form a habit. I feel like I am finally in the groove of this thing. I feel like it is becoming more second nature and less like a diet. This is a good thing. This means I can stick with it.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22nd-A-HA moments

Today was another crazy day. I have a little cold, so I had to rearrange my schedule so that I was not working with the babies that I see that are super prone to getting sick. It is hard to do my job from a distance-I am right on the floor with them! So, once again I ended up with some unexpected breaks. First aha moment-I really think that I would have snacked on these breaks before the new year-now, I am truly content with a drink-a 0 calorie drink at that! It is not that the snacks would have been big, but the calories add up quickly, especially if the snacks become more of the routine than the exception.

The next aha moment hit me on my way home from work. It was around 5 and I realized I was just starting to get hungry and think about dinner. I also realized that this week I have not had my 3 pm snack craving-you know, the one where I wanted something with the word "chocolate" in the label. I think that really watching what I am eating is helping to regulate me in a lot of ways, including my sugar highs and lows. What a great feeling to be in control.

Here is the diet for the day:
Breakfast: Apple bran muffin. Tea.

Lunch: Chick Fil A Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich, medium fruit cup, honey BBQ sauce

Dinner: Sirloin steak, veggies.

Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

Total Calories: 1103.

The calories are coming in a little low, but my calorie counter site has the chick- Fil-A items a little low, so I think that I am basically right on target.

I have done a fairly good job with my veggie and fruit intake and have definitely done a good job being aware of it this week more than before. Baby steps, just take baby steps.

Tomorrow is weigh in day and I am excited to see what the scale has to say. That is a nice change from the dread I felt just a few weeks ago. AHA!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

January 21st-the power of planning

I apologize to all of you that have been waiting anxiously for this post. :) I have a cold and just needed to go to bed last night. Yesterday was a gross day in Kentucky-really rainy and chilly. Good Braveheart day-you know, curl up on your couch and watch one of the best movies of all time while the weather outside mimics the weather in the movie! Unfortunately, I had to work, so that plan was shot. Ah, who am I kidding? I have kids-there is no way I can curl up on the couch during the day. :)

I went to lunch with a friend that is doing Weight Watchers. It is so nice to surround yourself that will not only not sabotage your goals, but also understand your challenges and are working towards their own goals. Before we went, she looked up nutrition info on the internet so that we were well prepared when we ordered. I actually ordered food that I would have originally thought was not a good choice, but lo and behold, it was far better for me than I thought it would have been.

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: 1 slice WW bread, peanut butter. Tea

Lunch: 1/2 french dip, cup of veggie chili. Iced Tea.

Dinner: Progresso soup, TLC crackers, yogurt, 1/4 grilled cheese

Snacks: Diet Hot Chocolate, fruit snack, 2 Nilla wafers.

Total Calories: 1220

This is the funny thing. One, I had calories to burn at the end of the day, so I was literally looking through my kitchen to find stuff to eat. I also had to be very conscious of what I was eating knowing I had to log it. It is really amazing how the calories add up in the snack foods. Do you know how long it takes me to burn 140 calories? Well, I do! Long enough to know that 8 Nilla wafers are NOT worth it!

I did not get to the gym again because I just do not feel that great. I am hoping that the weigh in still goes well and that I can get back on track by Saturday.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20th-repeat visit

Tortilla Chips...I love them. So, I knew when I entered Chili's for lunch today that they needed to not be part of the meal or else I would be trouble. It is the same reasoning that makes Frito's a food that can not be in my house. Wait, are Fritos a food? Really, salty corn chips with salsa? YUM!

Well, the last time I went to Chili's was before the new year. I dove in full gusto to the deal they had going-chips for an appetizer, mini tacos for lunch and some brownie/ice cream thing for dessert. Granted, I shared it with a friend, but it was way too much. Today, I did much better. What a difference making conscious decisions make! I did not look up the nutrition info before I went, but I did afterwards so that I would make smart dinner choices.

Here is the menu for the day:

Breakfast: Apple bran muffin. Tea.

Lunch: Grilled Chicken Fajita Pita, black beans. Diet Coke.

Dinner: Chicken breast, veggies.

Dessert: Yogurt, Diet hot chocolate.

Total Calories: 1280.

I did not get to the gym tonight as planned, but the time was well spent actually having a conversation with my husband. Sometimes, in the craziness of life it is hard to find time with the people that you want to spend time with the most. Know what I mean? Truly hoping to find more time this year as part of trimming the fat.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19th-unlimited french fries

Tonight Clay had a massage booked, so it was just me and the boys. I also knew that my dad had to work tonight, so I called my mom to see if she wanted to grab dinner. And, she was available. We went to Red Robin-ever been there? Well, one of their selling points is unlimited french fries. Not just any french fries, but the steak cut fries with a decent amount of salt on them. So delicious. I had to really talk to myself before we went in there to make smart choices. And, I looked up their nutrition info on the website before we went to help me along. You know that french fries aren't good for you when they don't even have them listed on their website nutrition page! :)

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: Egg, reduced fat turkey bacon, cheese sandwich. Tea.

Lunch: Sandwich with sliced chicken, laughing cow cheese, mustard and romaine. Apple, fiber plus bar.

Snack: Baby Carrots.

Dinner: Open faced turkey burger, 5 fries, 1 onion ring. Draft Miller Lite.

OK, so dinner was not the best. But, I did plan for it and I definitely did not overindulge on the fries. So, I will take that accomplishment and celebrate it.

Clay got home too late for me to get to the gym tonight, so I will have to make up my run tomorrow. Gotta burn off those fries and one onion ring!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18th-game on!

Tonight I started tennis lessons. The last time I played was probably 10 years ago in another beginner tennis group. I get to my lesson tonight and it is me and 4 middle aged men. Another woman finally showed up and the lesson started. It was 1 1/2 hours long and we worked on the basics. So much fun! I will definitely have a sore arm tomorrow.

I committed myself to eating my 5 servings of fruit and veggies everyday this week. The trick has got to be to start early in the day and then it seems like it should be pretty easy to make it work, right? So, that was the plan and it seemed to work fairly well.

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, tea

Snack: Apple

Lunch: TLC crackers, tuna fish, peaches

Snack: Carrots, Blueberries, mini fun size pack of Raisinets. I also had some pretzel sticks when I got home from work.

Dinner: Lean Cuisine Lasagna

Dessert: WW ice cream cup.

Total Calories: 1407. I gave myself a little extra since I did go to tennis and I know that if I was doing WW, I would get extra points.

I did get my 5 servings in of fruits and veggies, but I was a little heavy on the fruit side. I need to work on a better balance.

Overall, a good day and I continue on this journey. I am figuring out what is working as far as meals go to keep me full and satisfied and coming up with some safe bets that can be consistent.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN! Nor does it look very attractive in one of those cute tennis skirts! :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 17th-the best laid plans...

Sunday mornings are always a little hectic. We have to leave the house by 9 to get to church on time and the boys like to ease into their day, despite waking up at 7. Long story short, breakfast took place in the middle of getting dressed, getting the boys ready and getting the diaper bag packed. Not the way to enjoy your meal. After church, I came home with the baby and began to work on lunch. Little did I realize that Luke would not only want his lunch, but bites of mine. Makes it hard to figure out how many calories you are eating when you have to share your meal with a 2 year old! The rest of the day went well and good choices were made.

I did resist the lure of a chai latte today and turned to diet hot chocolate instead. Believe me, it took a lot to not stop at Starbucks on a rainy, cold day for a warm, frothy drink!

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: One slice ww bread with peanut butter.

Lunch: Pretzel sticks, some wheat thins, yogurt and bites of a lean cuisine meal. See, this would be the problem when you share with a toddler!

Dinner: Grilled mesquite chicken, broccoli and corn. Water.

I have no idea of the total calories because I was not sure how to log lunch. Makes me want to be very possessive of my food, but it was my cute little boy asking for some and I could not turn him down.

I did jump on the scale this morning after my night out and it was not as bad as I had expected. I do expect a full recovery!

Let me know how you deal with having to unexpectedly "share" a meal. Do you just assume you still ate the whole thing or take some of the calories out?

Hope you all had a successful weekend.

Bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

January 16th-going out to eat!

I am again writing this the day after because I went out to dinner last night and got home too late to blog. I knew that I was going to go out to dinner, so I was able to plan my day with that in mind. That is good. Dinner took place at The Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant. So delicious, but I think you have to just decide that it is a celebration and enjoy it. I mean, melted cheese and melted chocolate were calling my name! As I have said before though, this is a journey and a lifestyle change and there will always be celebrations and outings. I think it is all about enjoying them when they occur and then just getting back to the plan at the next possible moment.

Here is my diet for the day:

Breakfast: Kashi Go Lean cereal, skim milk

Lunch: Chicken tenderloins, yogurt, diet coke, fiber plus bar

Snack: Chai latte, pretzels

Dinner: Melting Pot cheese fondue, meat/bouillon fondue, chocolate fondue. Red wine.

Total Calories: 930 before dinner, UNKNOWN after dinner. This is on purpose. I did not want to get caught up in the calories. What a quick way to not enjoy a meal. I was content after I ate, not stuffed and for me, that was a good thing.

Oh, the big weigh in also happened this morning. I am exactly the same as last week-no loss, no gain. I am actually okay with it. I really think that my body is getting used to my new diet and exercise plan and I know that I made good choices through the week. We will see how next week goes.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!