Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1st-new month, new goals

Well, the workout thing was easy to fit in today. Mondays are tennis nights-can't say that I sweat a lot, but it is nice to get out on the court, bash the ball around a little bit and use some muscles that I am sure I would not have used at home! My pronator will be sore tomorrow for example...

I have decided that for February I am going to also work on trimming the fat in the closets. WHO IS WITH ME???? I am going to tackle a closet each weekend and really work on packing up the boys clothes that don't fit, donating my stuff and getting rid of the crap that is just sitting in them. How great will that feel to open any closet in my house at the end of the month and see organization? Ah, I am already feeling more peaceful knowing that it is in the plans.

Today was a good eating day. I have figured out that having some fruit as part of breakfast really helps towards getting in the 5 servings. It is hard to do otherwise! I did eat a very late lunch, which was not a good plan because I was REALLY hungry, but I did try and focus on my choices. Dinner was at home, planned out by Clay and I over the weekend and so I knew what it would be all day long. Man, this planning thing REALLY has its advantages...:)

Here is the diet:
Breakfast: One piece WW toast, PB and a banana. Tea.

Lunch: Turkey sandwich on high fiber bread, pretzels.

Dinner: Green pepper to munch on while cooking, white chicken chili.

Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.

I actually think I did get in all 5 servings today-banana, dressed sandwich, green pepper, and corn and beans in the chili. WOOHOO for me.

I will have to really focus this week in order to get to the gym and fit in my workouts. For those of you that work full time and have kids at home, when and how do you do it? The idea of the 5 am workout in freezing weather is not appealing at all, but I will take all other suggestions! Maybe in the summer...

So, bring on 2010-the year of clean closets to make room for my new skinny clothes-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

1 comment:

  1. I think the only way to ensure that the workout gets in is in the morning. Do you have to leave can you buy a used treadmill or something?

    As for the closets I started doing that in nov last year and it's great! A closet a drawer at a time. I feel lighter, my house is cleaner. If I hadn't used it in 6 months it came out of the closet. If I thought I might use it it went to the garage and if it wasn't used in another month donated too. I moved on to the garage, backyard and toy room! Good luck. I love your blog.
