Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23rd-lessons learned

So, I have this friend. Her name is Melissa. She is one of those "skinny" people that we all love to hate. But, of course, she is super nice and a great friend, so I can't hate her. Well, anyway, one of the things she does is keep a glass by the sink to drink water out of. As I have stated before, I am NOT good about drinking water. So, I thought I would try her trick. I mean, it is working for her, so why not? :) Well, wouldn't you know it-it worked. I definitely drank more water today just because that bottle was sitting there everytime I came up to the sink. So, I guess I owe Melissa a big thank you. Lesson learned.

Today was weigh in day. I was feeling fairly confident because I have been so diligent this week. I got out of bed, got out of my PJ's and jumped on the scale. WOW! 2.2 pounds GONE. See ya, hasta la vista, ciao, bye! Never want to see you again. That weight loss also put me out of the "obese" category with my BMI. I am officially overweight now! Never thought I would be happy about that, but I am thrilled. The truth of the matter is that journaling what I write and knowing that I have to put it out here everyday is what is making the difference. It is not just in a notebook somewhere for me to keep track of. I need accountability from as many sources as I can get it. Lesson learned.

Did not get to the gym again today, but at least I took a walk with the boys. It was in the 50's here, so even though I have this silly cold, I thought I would regret it if I did not get out of the house. What a great walk. Things are different when you take a walk with a 2 year old and a 6 year old. We discovered sticks for the fire, pine cones, mud puddles and just had to slow down to let the 2 year old keep up. Sometimes it takes slowing down to realize how fast you have been going. Lesson learned.

Here is the diet for the day:
Breakfast: Yogurt with granola

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Philly Steak, pretzels, yogurt parfait

Snack: Microwave popcorn, Raisinets

Dinner: Homemade Pizza.

Definitely did not get my fruits and veggies in today, so I will need to bulk up tomorrow. We stocked up at the store today, so we are prepared for the week. Dinner menu is planned and fruits and veggies are plenty. Clay is totally supportive of my efforts. Once again, by putting it out there that I am on this journey, I have found the support that I need to succeed. Lesson learned.

3 weeks down. They (whoever they are) say it takes 3 weeks to form a habit. I feel like I am finally in the groove of this thing. I feel like it is becoming more second nature and less like a diet. This is a good thing. This means I can stick with it.

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

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