Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28th-life gets in the way....

Ah, the best laid plans. I really wanted to get to the gym tonight, but again, it did not happen. I need to be better at time management to make all of this work. I got home at 5, Cameron had basketball practice so I was home with Luke, Clay and Cameron home at 6:30, dinner for all, baths and bed for the boys, Clay to grocery store, catch up with hubby on day's events and all of a sudden it is 9:00. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN??? We are supposed to get snow tomorrow, so I think that the best route for me is to plan on getting back to the gym on Saturday or Sunday and starting over with this 5K challenge.

So, the diet for the past few days has been interesting. I have found myself struggling a little more to make good choices. I think that I still have not found the combo of carbs, protein and fats that work for my body to keep me full and also meet my nutritional needs. I really felt lightheaded today after lunch, but realized that I did not have much in the way of carbs, so maybe that was it? I tried some dinner mints and felt better. All in my head-maybe, but whatever works.

Here is the food intake:

Jan. 27th
Breakfast: Cottage Cheese and peaches.
Lunch: Falafel Sandwich, pita and hummus
Dinner:Homemade chicken and veggie soup, a few Club crackers.
Dessert: Diet Hot Chocolate.
Total Calories:1098 according to the website, but I don't believe it. I think the Falafel was more, so I think I am good for the day.

Jan. 28th:
Breakfast: Kashi cereal, skim milk
Lunch: McD's Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Snack: After dinner mints.
Dinner: Chili, Club Crackers
Dessert: Yogurt, diet hot chocolate
Total Calories: Around 1500? I am guessing because of the mints.

Man, I am keeping Swiss Miss in business or what? :)

I think that as I am on this journey and do a better job keeping my work day to work hours, the working out will come easier. Right now, I am still juggling.

So, bring on 2010, the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

1 comment:

  1. Remember that you are a volume eater...add veggies for free! I find they make me feel full for longer because I can eat SO many of them!
