Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24th-attack of the pantry

I find it very hard to be at home. I tend to just wander into the kitchen and look around to see what I can eat. Not because I am hungry, but just because I am there. I have to work really hard to not eat then. This is probably one of those things that some of you can relate to and some of you are thinking what a wimp she is. So, I suppose you would say that I need to reach for healthy options when I wander in. The problem is that none of that stuff even sounds good at that moment in time. The best strategy for me is to wander right back out and find something to do.

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: Go Lean Kashi bar.

Lunch: Tomato soup, salad, TLC crackers.

Snack: Pretzel Sticks, Hot Chocolate. Not at the same time...

Dinner: Crock Pot Chicken and Potatoes. We tried a new recipe. Won't be repeating it, but at least now we know.

Dessert: Hot Chocolate.

I have to give kudos to myself today though. Cameron came down from his rest time today and said his throat hurt. I offered to go get him a milkshake and Clay decided he wanted one too. I actually managed to walk into the ice cream store-have I ever told you how much I LOVE ice cream?-get the boys their treats and leave. All without even having a taster spoon!

I am ready to go this week. My cold is finally gone, I have the menu planned for the week and feel very much in control. Let's hope it all works out as I have it planned in my head, or at least is manageable when it changes!

So, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!


  1. Oh, do I know what you mean about the pantry!! I stay home so when I'm "watching it", I want to go to the pantry constantly!! I just sit and think about it and then I get mad because I can't have it....blah...blah...blah!!

  2. I totally agree about being and home and just eating b/c it's there. That is my #1 problem. Especially after the kids go to sleep. I do ok all day being here but then they go to bed and I could eat tons before I realized I even ate a bite and never tasted it! uuggghh You're not a wimp.

  3. I also have the pantry problem. I've taken to making a cup of tea every time that happens. Not only do I get liquids, I also get something with flavour that doesn't cost me any calories!
