Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2009

So, another day is gone. I did not fit in the exercise that I wanted to today. I would love to give excuses, but there are none. I have some paperwork I need to do tonight, so it is just not going to happen. Tomorrow is a new day though and I will plan better.

I was given the suggestion to maybe list my BMI, instead of my weight. I think I am comfortable with that. According to the BMI calculators, my BMI is 30.9. Officially OBESE! I never really thought of myself as obese and I have to admit, I do not like it one bit! So, I guess my first big goal is to get out of the obese category and into the overweight one-that would mean decreasing my BMI to 29.5. I think that is a realistic goal to set. My overall goal for my BMI is for it to be 25, or IN NORMAL RANGE. Oh, that will be a good, good day!

Here is how the eating went today:

Breakfast: Same as yesterday. WW toast, 2 eggs, tea and water.

Lunch: 32 Wheat Thins (2 servings), 2 tbsp. Alouette savory vegetable spread and a banana. Diet Coke and water to drink.

Snack: 1 cup Whole Wheat pasta with meat sauce.

Dinner: Small Filet and 1 cup tandoori potatoes. Water to drink.

Dessert: 1 Yoplait Lemon Torte 100 calorie yogurt things. Really good!

I feel okay about today. Definitely did not get enough veggies-a new thing to work on this week and maybe too many carbs. But, I am taking this journey one day at a time and with reflection on the day, I will make changes for tomorrow. What is that saying: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.". I will NOT be insane with my choices!

I am really enjoying the comments on here and on Facebook. I also started tweeting on Twitter today. My name on there is "UCantTuckFatIn". I did not get enough letters for the YOU, so I had to go with "U". Not trying to be text savvy.

So, tomorrow will start a whole new struggle. THE WORK WEEK. I work out of my car and do not have access to a microwave, so I will really need to plan my lunch and snack well so that I am not starving when I get home. Does anyone else struggle with the 3-6 pm time slot? Man, that is when I want the chocolate!

Keep the comments coming. I will keep you all posted. Official weigh in day is Saturday, so we will see how the BMI is doing and look back at the pros and cons of the week.

As always, bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat, because I have determined YOU CAN'T TUCK FAT IN!


  1. Lauren, would you post the link to the site you used for your BMI. That way I'll use the same one. Thanks!


  3. pack some almonds with you! When you have that sluggish feeling at 4pm, eat the almonds! :)

  4. Good blog Lauren! And it looks like you are doing good with your eating. -Ceci

  5. Lauren, my BMI is 29.1 so I'm in about the same place as you. WE CAN do it!!
