Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 6, 2010-your eyes are bigger than your stomach

Today started out well. I had the same breakfast as yesterday and felt good and full. I met a friend for lunch and we were going to go to the Vietnamese place. In my mind, I was going to order some steamed veggie dish. But, it was closed and so we went to the Mexican place instead. I will say to my defense I only had 2 tortilla chips, but this place serves burritos as big as your head that are delicious. Let's just say I ate more than I should have and way more than I needed to be satisfied. I keep having to remind myself that this is a journey and if I can learn from my experiences, then it is all good. Dinner was another meal out as my oldest turns 6 on the 7th and we wanted to take him out for a birthday dinner. I ordered a small meal, but really wasn't even that hungry and would probably just had an apple at home if we had been there.

I guess the lessons from the day include how important it is to plan, how important it is to eat slowly so that you can listen to your body and not overeat and then just to just let it go and move on.

Here is the diet for the day:
Breakfast: Reduced fat turkey bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. Tea and water.

Lunch: 1/2 large tortilla. Naked burrito with chicken, cheese and beans. WAY TOO MUCH. Water.

Dinner: Small bowl of chili. Lots of water.

I did not fit in any exercise today. I was pooped after the long day and my youngest fought going to sleep, making a long day even longer.

The journey continues. I am amazed at what I have learned about myself and my habits in less than a week of journaling it all. There is power in this journaling thing-should have done it years ago.

Bring on 2010-the year of trimming the fat because I have determined that YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!


  1. Keep at it Lauren, it will get easier.

  2. Thanks for the support Addie! I really mean it and need it. If you read my blog, please comment. It means a lot to me.
