Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8th-the day of the cantaloupe

So, I think it was about -5 this morning with the wind chill, so I knew that I wanted to make time for a HOT breakfast, not just tea. At least my belly would be warm when I left the house then! I actually got to sit down for breakfast and really enjoy it, which is much nicer than eating in the car, which is what I am usually doing in the morning.

The day did not turn out as planned. 2 of my clients were cancellations today, so I ended up with some extra free time. I took advantage of it to find lunch somewhere that was A) Warm and B) served warm food. Did I already say that it is freezing here today? I decided soup would do the trick, so off to Whole Foods I went.

Here is where the cantaloupe comes in. I wanted some fresh fruit for dessert. For those of you that do not have a Whole Foods, the food is great, but it is not called Whole Paycheck for nothing. The prepared cut up fruit was not cheap, especially because it is winter. So, as I looked around, I came upon half cantaloupes. Hmmm, those looked good. I got one. As I sat down to eat, I looked at the label. It was a little over a pound, rind and all. I lifted it up and had an "a-ha" moment. I realized that I want to lose 40 cantaloupes! By just holding one, it made me understand how much that extra weight truly is bogging me down. Seriously, you try holding 40 half cantaloupes and going through your day. No thanks-

Here is the diet for the day:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with dried blueberries. Tea.

Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup, Ak-mak crackers and the cantaloupe! Seltzer water.

Snack: Zone bar and seltzer water.

Dinner: Pork Chop and a Yoplait yogurt.

So, I probably should have added some veggies in with dinner, but all we had were baby carrots and the thought of biting into cold carrots was not at all appealing. Just another reminder to have options available to help make good choices.

Another day with no exercise so far. It is so cold out that I just want to sit by the fire and warm up. My toes have been cold all day and are finally thawing out. I will have to make time for it tomorrow though no matter what!

Tomorrow morning is the first official weigh in. I am excited to see how the week has turned out and to reflect on what I will do the same and what I will change for next week. How has your week been? It has been so nice to hear how I am inspiring others to make changes. Keep me posted on your progress and on how I can help you. You all are definitely helping me.

So, bring on 2010-the year of less cantaloupes. Because YOU CAN'T TUCK THE FAT IN!

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to the cold. We've been below freezing for a month now...and I mean right now it feels warm and it's 14F. I get what you mean about -5... Brrrr! I had a good day: 2 thin slices of toast with ginger marmalade and 3 cups of coffee for breakfast, leftovers for lunch, 4 small pancakes for supper with a cup of tea (that's still sitting cold on the table because the kids had bedtime!) and a can of cranberry ginger ale just now. I was going to have Starbucks, but thought the gingerale was a better choice over all! Good luck on your weigh in tomorrow!
